Our finance department processes all payments here at Jimboomba State School within the Administration building. The Accounts/payment window can be located facing the year 1 block. The Administration building can be located off Honora Street entrance.
FINANCE OPENING HOURS: Thursday - 8:30am - 9:30am
Jimboomba State School offers several payment options to parents. Our preferred option of payments is via B Point, Internet Payment or through Q Parent. Payments can be made in person with Cash, EFTPOS, Visa or Master Card during our opening hours as listed above.
Any enquiries in regards to your student’s account can be made in two ways:
i) Email — Accounts Department; please phone for these details on number provided below.
ii) Phone: 5548 8340 and request to speak with the Accounts Receivables Officer.
Cash payment is available for parents who have no access to any computer or internet.
BSB: 064 – 400
Account Number: 00090111
Account Name: Jimboomba State School Gen A/c
Reference: Student EQ ID found beside name on Invoice
BPOINT PAYMENTS: (click here for link)
The department receives revenue through a number of electronic means including:
* B Point
* Direct Debit.
BPOINT (internet and IVR) is the department’s preferred method of payment.
BPoint Phone Payments can be made via 1300 631 073
Please ensure that your invoice is in front of you when making payment.
Q PARENTS: (click here for link)![]()
QParents will assist both staff and parents in sharing and responding to information in an efficient and effective way. It will not replace the traditional ways you communicate with our school, but will provide another way to communicate with us.
Request for Refund Form (Download to fill in form)
Request for Camp Refund Form (Download to fill in form)
Guidelines for excursions & camps
Note: Refunds to be made within 14 days preferable