Welcome to Physical Education with Mrs. Vudrag.
Below is the direct link to the 'permissions and details booklet', required for the trials of all zone and district sports. This booklet MUST be completed online and printed. When attending trials no handwritten copies will be permitted and students will not be allowed to trial.
South Coast Permissions/Details Booklet
Helpful Information:
1. The user will need to have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed on their operating system. Adobe Reader is a free download http://get.adobe.com/reader/. You may like to do your own google search if this link does not work.
2. Once Adobe Reader is installed, this online form can be used on PC's, IPads / Tablets and Smartphones. You will know that it is working in an online fashion if all the boxes are shaded blue with a red outline.
3. One of the best features of this document is that once the students / parents type their details on to the front page, it self populates this information to all other pages (where relevant). There may be certain sections ie. Parent / Guardian / Carer (2) or Contact person and Medical Details Form that they will have to add additional information.
4. Students and parents will have the ability to complete this booklet :
• online (in approx. 3 minutes)
• print it
• save it
• "Save As" so they can just change or update certain sections as required. (saves redoing it again if your child is selected for a second sport within the year.)